House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte

“If we die here, it is nothing. If we die inside, it is nothing. Our future lies in whatever we can gain from this country and God willing, from our country.” – Larghman

We hear about the young men who are being caught at the border, who are being given a bad deal in the illegal visa lottery and lottery; it’s shocking, shocking, shocking. In the first two months of the fiscal year, and just since the beginning of January, we have watched the detention center in Tornillo go from 1,150 people to 3,750 people.

So what we are seeing is this is not selective. What we are seeing is the Border Patrol – first of all, in a phone call, said it was slow because the Border Patrol is focused on a couple of cartels and they weren’t bringing in drugs. They were re-entering the country with fake identification.

And, of course, they will be coming through different loopholes – you know, because of the cuts at the Border Patrol and the National Guard – so these are not targeted. They are coming through the same loopholes. And these are young men. The average age of the people being caught is 22. Some of them were fourteen when they came in illegally. And, so – and, it’s not just a few – it’s thousands of Afghans and some other countries coming through and we’re having to look at holding people and accommodating people as they cross the border.

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